Affiliate Programs

Disclosure:  This is a professional information website.  I want to let you know up front that I receive compensation from some of the companies mentioned here.  I do not receive compensation for all of them.  I have personally tested and reviewed every company on this site and recommend only the ones I truly believe are good to use.  This is an independently owned site and the opinions expressed on it are entirely my own.  Thank you.



Affiliate Programs

Here is a list of merchants that have affiliate programs you can join.  This is by no means a complete list.  There are literally thousands of merchants with affiliate programs out there. 

Please note that some merchants won't let you sign up for their affiliate program unless you already have a web site.  If you like, bookmark this page so you can come back for the list after you have your site.  Also, please feel free to shop while you're checking them out.  :-)

Merchants with Affiliate Programs (the ones in bold pay the best)
Ebooks or Digital Products - ClickbankThis is by far the best place to go to if you want to promote ebooks, how to manuals or other digital products.  It's also the best place to use if you have such a product to sell. They have 1000's of products to choose from and pay regularly.
Dating Service -
Books -
Shopping - Clothes and Accessories, Sunglasses, Jewelry, Candles
Office -  Ink Jet Printer Cartridges
Health - Online Pharmacy, Discount Dental Plans
Internet Services - Discount Internet Access
Gifts - Gifts and Collectibles, Gift Baskets
Food - Gourmet Foods, Mesquite Meal
Phone Services - Discount Long Distance, Calling Cards, 1-800 Numbers
Posters - Posters




Step 5:  How to Get Visitors  è



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Affiliate Programs

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